Select Service


Paintless Dent Repair

Repair facilities participating in State Farm's Select ServiceĀ® program agree, if Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) services are available in their local market, to either have PDR capability on-site or readily available, and to use the PDR method of estimating and repair on eligible vehicle damage.

When PDR is specified in whole or in part for repairs on an estimate written by a Select Service shop, the facility also agrees to use prices identified in State Farm's PDR Pricing Matrix for PDR services.

Select Service facilities agree to restore any corrosion protection materials, caulking, or under panel adhesives if disturbed during the PDR process, and agrees that PDR repairs will be completed without drilling or otherwise creating access holes, or damaging or modifying structural components.

If a repair facility elects to outsource PDR, any service provider may be used. The Select Service facility agrees to provide a lifetime repair warranty on workmanship completed personally and by the sublet provider.

Repair facilities may use national PDR providers. Many participate in State Farm's PDR program. Participating companies have agreed to State Farm's Paintless Dent Repair Agreement which includes quality and workmanship standards. They also agree to use State Farm's PDR Pricing Matrix for their services.

State Farm PDR Pricing Matrix

This form and all information contained herein constitute proprietary information, which shall not be disclosed without appropriate State Farm authorization.

Paintless Dent Repair Pricing Matrix - US

Participating companies include:

National PDR Vendor Address Phone Number Contact
Dent Concepts 942 Mineral Spring Avenue
North Providence, RI 02904
855-737-7767 Anthony Natale
Hi-Tech PDR 1765 Busse Hwy.
Des Plaines, IL 60016
866-424-5776 Bo Opanasyuk

Service provider selection is the choice of the customer and repair facility.