Medical eBilling

Property & Casualty Claims - Help & Support

Help & Support

Technical Support

For assistance with anything related to the exchange of electronic Health Care transacions, including submission of electronic bills, acceptance or rejection of transactions, missing electronic remittances etc., please email our State Farm Electronic P&C Billing Support Team,

Medical Provider Portal Support

For assistance with anything related to the Medical Provider Portal, please email our State Farm Medical Provider Portal Support Team,

Business Support

For assistance with anything related to the adjudication of the claim itself, please contact your patient’s State Farm® claim handler directly.


I received a rejection acknowledgement from State Farm that indicated A7:629 – Acknowledgement/Rejected for Invalid Information - The claim/encounter has invalid information as specified in the Status details and has been rejected: Property Casualty Claim Number. What does this mean?

This occurs when the Property and Casualty claim number was missing, invalid, or sent in an incorrect segment/element. Or you sent the Property and Casualty policy number and date of accident but either the policy number was entered incorrectly or the date of accident sent was not correct and we were unable to find a valid claim. You should first verify that the claim number or the policy number/date of accident you obtained is correct by contacting our claim office. If the claim number or policy number/date of accident was validated and was correct then contact our State Farm Electronic P&C Billing Support Team for assistance in resending the bill.

I received a rejection from my clearinghouse that indicated “the Insured ID/Subscriber ID/Policy Number must be 12 positions and begin with an ‘H’ or ‘C’.

This rejection occurs when Payer ID 31053 is used to bill a Property and Casualty claim. Payer ID 31053 was established by the Clearinghouse Change Healthcare to be used to submit State Farm® Health Insurance bills. You should attempt to resubmit the bill using the alternative Change Healthcare established payer ID 31059 or another known State Farm® Property and Casualty Payer ID. If the rejections continue, contact our State Farm Electronic P&C Billing Support Team.

How and where do I send my SOAP notes and other supporting documents if requested by a State Farm claim representative?

State Farm® Property and Casualty will receive supporting documents by any of these methods:

  • Electronically using the electronic claim attachment transaction ASC X12N 275(005010X210)
  • By Fax: (844) 218-1140
  • By email:
  • By mail:
FL/NC/WV All other States:
State Farm Claims
P.O. Box 106134
Atlanta, GA 30348-6134
State Farm Claims
P.O. Box 106170
Atlanta, GA 30348-6170

NOTE: When submitting supporting documents by mail/email/fax, please include the claim number in your submission.