Claim Services

State Farm Premier Service® Program

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The B2B Website: FAQs

Why do we need to get contractors and network service providers registered on the Business-to-Business (B2B) website?

State Farm business departments need to be able to push private information, forms, and applications to trading partners (contractors and network service providers) through the B2B website. In order to keep the content private and to control the content availability, all B2B users need to be registered.

What is the biggest user complaint?

The biggest user complaint is struggling to meet the password criteria and remembering the password. Passwords must include upper case letters, lower case letters, and numbers.

How many attempts does a user get to log in before being locked out?

If a registered user mistypes his/her password six times, the system will lock the account. Log in attempts are measured from the last successful log in.

What should a user do if he/she gets locked out of the system?

If a Non-Administrator gets locked out they need to contact the Administrator, who will contact the B2B Help Desk at 309-766-3903. The Help Desk will ask the Administrator the specific security questions and once answered correctly, the Help Desk will unlock the Non-Administrator's account.

If the Administrator gets locked out, the SFPSP Program Manager will have to e-mail the B2B group in Systems to verify the Administrator is correct. The SFPSP Program Manager has to e-mail because that is the only way the Help Desk can verify the Coordinator is legitimate and that the Administrator should be allowed access again. Please reference the last FAQ for details on how to submit an e-mail to the B2B.

The user's account has been reset and he/she still cannot access the website. Why would this happen?

If the website is having system problems the user will not be able to log in, even if the user's account is reset. Contact support for more information.

As an Administrator, do I have to give full access to my non-Administrator users?

The Administrator at each business controls access rights for all non-Administrator users at that business. The Administrator can give some users full content authority and other user's partial content authority. A role determines what content a registered user can access. The infrastructure is in place to enable business departments to push content out by roles and to give some roles to some businesses and not to others. The Administrator determines which roles are given to the non-Administrators for his/her business. B2B has a lot of flexibility in posting private content so a lot of security is involved.

What if a contractor or network service provider forgets their password?

A contractor or network service provider should call the B2B Help Desk at 309-766-3903 and the support person will assist the contractor or network service provider with logging in again.

What's the fastest way for a user to get help? Should the user call the SFPSP Program Manager, send an e-mail to B2B, or call B2B?

The B2B Help Desk is the quickest way to begin the problem resolution process. Help Desk personnel are trained to deal with technical problems only; not business problems.

Technical problems are defined as problems relating to the existence of content on the B2B website or the existence of the B2B ebsite itself (such as registering, logging in, finding and accessing content). Business problems are all non-technical problems.

If a user calls the Help Desk asking a business question, the Help Desk will refer the user to his/hers State Farm business representative.

Will B2B be able to pre-load the contractor's or network service provider’s name, tax ID, phone, and address in recurring fields?

There is a browser feature (for most browsers) that users can turn on and off. When the feature is on, a window will pop-up displaying the last 2 or 3 entries that were entered in the field from the user's browser. For example, if a contractor or network service provider started typing "Wil" for Wilson's Construction Co., the window would pop up displaying Wilson's Construction Co., and the user could click on the full name to fill in the field. We hesitate to go into more detail on the browser options with users.

When the ID/Password letters are printed, how long is the temporary ID and password valid?

The temporary ID and password are valid for 90 days after the print date on the letter, or until the user successfully registers on the B2B website with their temporary ID and password in this 90 day time period.

How many users can a contractor register and how are new users added?

A contractor or network service provider can register an unlimited number of users. The first user to register for each business becomes the Administrator. The Administrator has the authority and responsibility to add and delete users as dictated by the needs of his/her business.

When an Administrator user wants to add or delete a user from his/her business, the Administrator should call the B2B Help Desk to do so. The Administrator will be asked to answer the security question(s) that were set up when the Administrator registered. If a user is being added, the ID and password letter for that new user will be mailed to the contractor.

If a contractor or network service provider has called the Help Desk and their question or problem has not been resolved in 2 business days, what can they do to expedite a resolution?

The contractor or network service provider should follow these steps:

  • Access the B2B website home page.
  • Select the Contact Us tab.
  • Select the State Farm Premier Service® link.
  • Select the Please click here to send us an email link.
  • Complete the form.
  • Select Report a Problem in the Reason for Contact field.
  • Enter B2B Website in the Topic field.
  • Describe the problem in the Comments field including an SFQ ticket number (if they were given one).
  • Submit the form.

Note: A user must access the B2B website and follow the first 5 steps anytime an e-mail needs to be sent to the B2B. The information the user enters in the Reason for Contact field will vary depending on why the e-mail is being sent.

Help & Support

Contacts for Support Problems

In order to make the State Farm Premier Service® Program (SFPSP) page as efficient as possible, we are providing a problem and resolution process for the Business-to-Business (B2B) web.

State Farm B2B®

Support for the B2B website is provided by a B2B call center that is available to contractors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The call center can be reached at 855-311-2681.

You can find additional information, and our email contact form by visiting our Contact Us page.

Note: CNSPs will be responsible for any long distance charges incurred when calling either the B2B or Quest call centers.

Workflow/Procedure Questions

CNSPs should contact their designated State Farm Program Manager with any workflow or procedural questions.

Contractors may contact any CNSP regarding inquiries for participating in specific CNSP networks.

Flooring contractors should contact their designated CCA Global corporate contact with any workflow or procedural questions.

Claim Questions

SFPSP will not change current procedures for contractor’s or CNSP’s questions concerning any part of the claim. Contractors and CNSPs should continue to contact the assigned State Farm claim handler.