Mortgage Record Change

Service Released 100


Used on an exception basis, primarily when the acquiring loan servicer is not capable of generating a Mortgage Record Change (266) on their own.

State Farm will change the billing option, loan number (if identified as the buyer’s loan number), and mortgagee clause on the insurance policy.

266 Data Format Description
ISA*00*0000000000*00* *ZZ*123456789*ZZ*STFM   SF00053 *021115*0817*U*00401*000000010*1*P*>~ This is the envelope segment for the 266.
  • 000000010 is the unique number for this envelope
GS*MG*123456789*STFM SF00053 *20021115*0817*10*X*00401X132~ This is the group segment for the 266.
  • 10 is the unique number for this group.
ST*266*00000010~ This is the transaction segment for the 266.
  • 00000010 is the unique number for this transaction.
BGN*00*1800*20031114******03~ This is the beginning segment for the 266.
  • 00 Original
  • 1800 a unique number of the sender.
N1*SJ*INSURANCE TRACKING CO*FI*123456789~ This is the sender of the 266.
  • LV Lender or SJ Service Provider
  • FI Federal Tax ID
  • 123456789 is the Tax ID of the sender
N1*IN*STATE FARM INS*FI*37053100~ This is the receiver of the 266.
  • IN Insurer or SQ Service Bureau
  • FI Federal Tax ID
  • 37053100 is the Tax ID of the receiver.
LX*1~ This is a separator. It separates the sender/receiver information from the buying and/or selling lender information. The number can increment.
N1*LV*A - ONE MORTGAGE*FI*123456789~N2*ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS~N3*PO BOX 11111~N4*ANYTOWN*CA*914100212**RJ*XX~ This series of segments (N1, N2, N3, N4) represents the new lender that should be reflected on the insurance policy.
  • LV Buying/Acquiring Lender
N1*SE*A - ONE MORTGAGE*FI*123456789~N2*ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS~N3*PO BOX 99999~N4*ANYTOWN*CA*914100212**RJ*XX~ This series of segments (N1, N2, N3, N4) represents the selling lender that is being replaced.
  • SE Selling Lender
N9*LD*0000000001~ The N9 segment is the start of the insurance policy information.
  • ABL Seller's Loan Number or LD Buyer's Loan Number
NM1*QP*1*RICHARDS, MARY*K~N3*9999 WOODVIEW LANE~N4*CHICO*CA*959267705~ This is the name and mailing address of the borrower (insured).
  • QP Borrower
REF*TV*HOME~ Valid policy types are:

HOME, PPTHO, PPUHO, FLOOD, COTHR, RDP, DFIRE, EQKP, FARM, BOAT, RCUP, PPMBH, PPCHO, PPART, BOP. The policy type will be returned in the 824 if corrected.
  • TV Line of Business
REF*IG*551252837~ The policy number will be returned in the 824 if corrected.
  • IG Policy Number.
REF*NF*25143~ The company code will be returned in the 824 if corrected.
  • 25143 SF Fire
  • 43419 SF Lloyds
  • 25151 SF General
  • 10739 SF Florida
  • 100 Service Released
N3*9999 WOODVIEW LANE~N4*CHICO*CA*959267705~ This is the property address.
DTP*540*D8*20030115~ The policy expiration date will be returned in the 824 if corrected.
  • 540 Policy Expiration Date
REF*UA*1~ Valid loan types are 1, 2, or 3.
  • UA Mortgage Order
CRC*A1*Y*T5~ This segment identifies if a return Insurance Verification is needed.
  • Y No Insurance Verification
  • N Insurance Verification
PID*S*02*AD*MG~ MG Bill the Mortgagee
  • IN Bill the Insured.
The next policy goes here by repeating the N9 - PID segments.
SE*27*00000010 SE01 is the number of segments. SE03 is the same number as ST02.
GE*1*10~ GE03 is the same number as GS06.
IEA*1*000000010~ IEA02 is the same number as ISA12.

*Interchange receiver for test is SF00014 and interchange receiver for production is SF00053