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About Registration

Registration is a process to allow external vendors and trading partners to securely access information that State Farm™ makes available on the website.

Why Register?

Some information that State Farm makes available on this website is general in nature and can be viewed by all who come to the site.

Certain business or financial information must be secured and is available only to certain trading partners. To access this information registration is required. This involves issuing IDs and passwords to authorized individuals.

The business areas within State Farm determine who needs to have access to the secure content on B2B and initiate the registration process.

If you feel that your business needs to have access to the site, please submit a CONTACT US form and it will be routed to the correct business area.

How Do I Register?

A registration email with a link to the B2B website will be delivered by e-mail to you when your business has been enabled. The invite to register email is valid for 90 days after creation. If you don't complete registration within 90 days, the link in the email will be disabled.

If you have submitted a Contact Us form but have not received a registration email


the link in the email has been disabled,

CLICK HERE to resend your invitation.